About Us
Hello. I'm Maggi McKerron. Chiang Dao Roundhouses has been in my mind for the past half dozen years. After living in Thailand for about 40 years, I went to the UK for where I took lots of workshops and met lots of lovely people who are interested in Natural Building. Then I came back to Thailand to began my building adventure which has evolved into Chiang Dao Roundhouses!
Living with me at Chiang Dao Roundhouses are Lucy my little red poodle, Chloe a rescued street dog from Chiang Mai, Mumu who lived her first few years in a bar in Chiang Mai and then the owners left and abandoned her, cats Tia and Widget, and last arrival who wandered into the garden when she was tiny, our blue-eyed cat Katie.

Here are some of the workshops I took.
First I learned about building with Earthbags with Paulina Wojciechowska (www.earthhandsandhouses.org) I went to a wood in Sussex and helped to build a dome. The picture shows our dome in Sussex - and that's me in the hat.
Then I went to Paulina's Strawbale house in Poland and learned how to plaster using earth and straw, earth and sand, and earth and lime.
I took a course in Photovoltaics at the Earthship in Brighton (www.lowcarbon.co.uk/earthship-brighton
Then I took a LILI course (www.lowimpact.org) on how to make my own solar panels - I made a pink one!
Interested in having a Natural Building Experience?
Come and help us build Chiang Dao Roundhouses, using earth, straw, rice husks, bamboo, lime and as much natural material as possible. Email for more information. No previous building experience necessary - just enthusiasm and imagination!
It's 2018 and our buildings are almost finished. The two Domes and the thatched roof Roundhouse are completed and the Breakfast Dome, and Chiang Dao Roundhouses is open for B & B business! The building is still going on.... and the decorative additions.
There have been lots of volunteers helping with this build, and each has made a unique contribution, learned a lot about natural building, and had a very good time! If you are interested, come and join us! Builders, gardeners, artists, and anyone just wanting to do something different while on holiday in a fabulous part of Thailand. Check out our page on volunteers and interns.
You can follow our adventures on my Blog http://maggimck.wordpress.com